Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Our Journey Continues

I recently spoke at the National University National Board P20 Leadership Summit.  Amongst the fine leaders at the summit were teachers and leaders from all over the country.  I was greatly humbled to share a bit of the #RMMSFAM story, as we have come so far in such a short bit of time.  In closing the 2014-2015 school year, I'd like to share some of the thoughts shared at the Summit:

Where we have come from:

  • 2 Years ago Rancho Minerva topped the charts with discipline incidents.  RMMS was the school with the most suspensions, referrals and argueablly the most disengaged group of students in the district.
  • 2 Years ago, Rancho Minerva had a computer lab that could be checked out by 1 teacher per period.  Computers were an event where students would access from time to time.
  • 2 Years ago, Rancho Minerva was known for being the school up the hill with the tough kids, discipline problems and interventions in lieu of electives.
  • However, 2 Years ago, we began down a journey encouraging everybody to take risks.  To be innovative and challenge one another to grow as we move to 21st Century teaching.  We asked teachers, administrators and staff to work together, move beyond their comfort zones and create an innovative environment that not only challenges students, but embraces each unique student that we have.

Through hard work, strategic moves and driven teacher leadership; we are proud of where we have come as a school family.  We have reduced our suspensions by over 85%, we have created a true #RMMSFAM with our students, families, faculty and staff.  We have created an environment where students want to be, where students thrive and where students overcome many of the challenges they face.  Along our way, we took 3 steps that have helped us grow as a school tremendously, as we have continued to pursue being THE model of excellence in innovation.

1. We are Building Relationships
We asked each other to champion our students.  To build relationships, listen, show genuine interest and concern.  We asked our seek to understand our students, to empower our students and to show them that they matter.  To that end, we have seen a dramatic reduction in our school behavior issues. Students feel like family.  Students are empowered to rise above the noise and obstacles that may come in their way.

2. We are Empowering our Faculty/Staff and Students
We align the right staff at the right time, challenge them and then get out of the way.  We are seeing teachers and staff lead professioal development, share experiences good and bad, lead critical conversations that are driving change at the school.  We are empowering our students to step up, take the lead and change as well.  We redesigned our offices, where students, faculty and staff may come and collaborate in the "bull pen".  A collaborative environment where we work togther everyday.

3. We are Taking Risks
If you want to innovate, you have to be comfortable with taking risks.  These last 2 years we have asked each other to embrace technology in the classroom and try new ways of teaching.  We created plans were teachers had weekly access to devices in every subject area, every week.  A year ago, we were noticed and asked to apply for a 1:1 iPad grant.  Through the generous donations of Digital Promise and the Verizon Foundation, we became 1 out of 8 schools that would go 1:1.

This year, we have seen continued growth and have been blown away by the way the RMMS teachers, staff and students have embraced our 1:1 program.  Many feared this project may be too risky.  But what we have found is that both teachers and our students have risen to the occasion.

Looking forward, we are excited to continue our journey as we are taking the lead as one of the VUSD Personalized Learning Challenge Schools. We are excited to see how we as a #RMMSFAM can create a school community which embraces every learner as an individual, creating a personalized learning pathway for everyone.

Through the hard work of everyone at Rancho Minerva, we are on the pathway to wonderful things.  As we continue to build relationships, empower all stakeholders and take risks, the future of Rancho Minerva is looking bright!

I am excited to see what next year brings!

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