Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Don’t Know How to Do That

Let’s face it, Sati Aviles was far more familiar with technology than the average bear. On the other hand, Donna Hamilton had a flip phone, circa 2000. What were the odds that these two teachers could have a successful technological partnership? Fast forward eight months, and what do you see? Two teachers who coexist with iPhones, iPads, Google Chromebooks and a home theater where they present lessons via the doc cam.  

At first, fear was the underlying emotion.  How does one give up the comfort of their flip phone? When given the option several years prior, Donna tried the Smart phone and declared it, “stupid” and gave it back for the old reliable flip phone.  How does one change that mindset? This was a similar mindset that our eighth grade students had to overcome as we became a 1:1 site in the land of Digital Promise.  As time moved on, the flip phone teacher, as well as the eighth graders, became increasingly confident and comfortable in the world of of technology.  What was once a novelty idea for a lesson or presentation, became part of the daily curriculum.  Every teacher wants to feel that they know more than their students. This is what gives the teacher a feeling of safety and authority.  Part of Donna’s initial hesitation was she did not like to “look stupid” to her students. Part of the journey was releasing that fear and understanding that her students did not judge her.  It became a cooperative learning experience as students got to “help” their teacher.  Their kindness, and lack of judgement,  made it a true team experience.  With the purchase of an iPhone 6, the transformation was complete. Feel free to send us a text.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had a partner to work with like that you are so lucky Donna!
