Monday, March 30, 2015

The Power of RMMS Students, iPads and Digital Photography

Spring has sprung at Rancho Minerva. Here are some of the beautiful spring sightings around campus, captured by our AMAZING students. These images were photographed on their student iPads. For most, this is their first and only device. We are so proud of them! Enjoy!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

7 Lessons I Learned This Week From Our 7th Graders

This week, I had the wonderful opportunity to watch some of our 7th grade ELA students give speeches in Mrs. Haus and Ms. DiPaolo's class.  Students were given the assignment to give collaborative speeches on "What it Takes to be Great". As I sat listening to our 7th graders, I was really blown away by some of the inspiring words and slides shared by these students.  Here are 7 lessons I took away from some very inspiring students this week.

7 Lessons I  Learned This Week From Our 7th Graders


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I Don’t Know How to Do That

Let’s face it, Sati Aviles was far more familiar with technology than the average bear. On the other hand, Donna Hamilton had a flip phone, circa 2000. What were the odds that these two teachers could have a successful technological partnership? Fast forward eight months, and what do you see? Two teachers who coexist with iPhones, iPads, Google Chromebooks and a home theater where they present lessons via the doc cam.  

At first, fear was the underlying emotion.  How does one give up the comfort of their flip phone? When given the option several years prior, Donna tried the Smart phone and declared it, “stupid” and gave it back for the old reliable flip phone.  How does one change that mindset? This was a similar mindset that our eighth grade students had to overcome as we became a 1:1 site in the land of Digital Promise.  As time moved on, the flip phone teacher, as well as the eighth graders, became increasingly confident and comfortable in the world of of technology.  What was once a novelty idea for a lesson or presentation, became part of the daily curriculum.  Every teacher wants to feel that they know more than their students. This is what gives the teacher a feeling of safety and authority.  Part of Donna’s initial hesitation was she did not like to “look stupid” to her students. Part of the journey was releasing that fear and understanding that her students did not judge her.  It became a cooperative learning experience as students got to “help” their teacher.  Their kindness, and lack of judgement,  made it a true team experience.  With the purchase of an iPhone 6, the transformation was complete. Feel free to send us a text.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Digital Learning Day at Rancho Minerva

How amazing to see the Vista Unified School District featured on the virtual field trip as part of the Digital Learning Day.  Rancho Minerva was honored to be part of the VUSD spotlight during the event.  Although today looked very similar to a regular day at Rancho Minerva, here are just a few of the over 35 classrooms engaged in digital learning today. Quite an amazing day!

Students watched book trailers via Aurasma

Many students interacted with ebooks throughout campus
The throw back tech display was a hit with students in our library.

Google Classroom, Notability were seen in Mrs. Paradee's Classroom as well as many others!

Students creating PSA's via Educreations with Mrs. Rust and Mrs. Harrison (Tech Coach)

Students creating digital maps via Adobe Ideas with Mrs. Blake

Students researching and presenting Historical information via Padlet with Mr. Prieto

Students creating Augmented Reality Aurasma iMovie book reviews with Mrs. Wilson

Students app smashing in Mrs. Hollowell's class

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

25 Ways Rancho Minvera is Using Digital Tech on Digital Learning Day #DLDay

 What are you doing for Digital Learning Day?? #DLDay

 The teachers at Rancho Minerva were asked, “What are you doing in your classroom as a part of the Digital Learning Day?” 

 Here are some of their responses:

  1. Creating Public Service Announcements via Haiku Deck
  2. Drawing Digital Single Point Room Design via Graphic Arts Program shared on Google Drive.
  3. Practicing Math skills on ST Math App
  4. Preparing Multi-step writing via Notability & Google Classroom.
  5. Presenting Argumentative Essays via a digital platform of their choosing.
  6. Comparing Historical concepts via Compare Anything.
  7. Composing Narrative Poems with image backgrounds via Haiku Deck.
  8. Researching and presenting on India Research via a digital platform of their choosing.
  9. Demonstrating a Library Retro Technology Activity Fair (records, typewriters, cassette tapes, even a rotary phone.)
  10. Sharing and organizing documents via Google Docs.
  11. Creating a graphic to demonstrate understanding of the "Legal Moves" for simplifying algebraic expressions.
  12. Collaborating on a digital presentation that justifys legal moves to simplify expressions.
  13. Practicing grammar terms via
  14. Improving literacy via Achieve 3000
  15. Creating and promot
    ing Augmented Reality through Aurasma with iPads on library book reviews.
  16. Creating  Digital Maps
  17. Demonstrating comprehension of Math problems via the Show Me app.
  18. Researching Van Gogh, Kahlo, Kandinsky, Choe
  19. Drawing in Adobe Ideas in the style of that artist and posting their drawing in the shared Google Doc with the questions they answered
  20. Typing practice via Touch Typing
  21. Researching math terms and sharing via Google Docs
  22. Communicating via Lucid Press
  23. Communicating to students via our new RMMS app
  24. Creating iMovie videos to share
  25. Reading eBooks and collaborating on prompts via Google Classroom.

What are YOU doing for Digital Learning Day?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

One of the the great things happening at Rancho Minerva Middle School is service learning.  Four students from the Digital Arts class had the fortunate opportunity to collaborate on a project with the Vista Chamber of Commerce.  With guidance from their teachers, Nicole Santangelo and Desiree Wilson, and the expert advice from graphic designer Terry Van Kirk,  the students created the graphic art for the Heroes of Vista Community Recognition Gala.

The Heroes of Vista event is sponsored by the Vista Chamber of Commerce.  This event celebrates significant achievements from all sectors of the community.  They honor teachers, business members, law enforcement, and the military .  

Students met with Vista Chamber of Commerce leadership to brainstorm ideas and concepts to start the development of the project. Once the concept was developed, students got to work.  Throughout  this project, the students collaborated on each and every facet of the final product.
This form of project based learning has allowed the students to apply the skills they have acquired in class to solve real world problems and projects.  

Providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of technology, as well as creative design, will certainly serve as an asset in their future. We are excited to have our students so prepared to move into the future.  With continued motivation and cross curricular collaboration, Rancho Minerva will continue to make a viable impact in the Vista community!