Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Meet Digital Discovery

Rancho Minerva has been very fortunate to be part of the Digital Promise Verizon Innovative Schools Grant, which has provided 1:1 iPads with 4G internet connectivity for each student at Rancho Minerva.  This program has been a wonderful kickstart to the innovative direction our school is headed.   Rancho Minerva is on a path to create a one-of-a-kind learning center for students of all backgrounds, at all levels.  We know that in order to achieve this vision, we must make our teaching and learning personal for each student.  When we examined the diverse needs of our students, the data from our current practices and our impact new innovative programs could have on our students, we set forth to create Digital Discovery.
Digital Discovery was created by a team of teachers who volunteered to create an elective course accessible to all students, which included strategic elements embedded in a personalized approach. A primary goal of Personalized Learning is to design learning experiences that give students choice and voice about their own learning.  Similar to packing your car after a trip to IKEA, we were challenged with the task to fit many key elements into this course each week at the same time keeping it engaging for our students.  

The key elements included in Digital Discovery include:
  • Digital Game-based Math Intervention for all students (ST Math)
  • Embedded image permalinkTargeted Literacy using multiple forms of media
  • Sustained Silent Reading
  • Personalized Project Playlists
  • Mentoring Time
  • Restorative Circles/Table Talk
  • Homeroom
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Digital Tools and use
  • Introduce Self Directed Learning Behaviors
  • and much more
Each week, Digital Discovery students set out on a personal learning path, as teachers serve as facilitators of learning and mentors.  Students have access to a web-based Personal Learning Playlist each week which guides them through their expected outcomes.  In the first week of this course, the excitement was felt by both students and teachers.  One teacher remarked, “I have never had this much fun teaching, I am learning so much!” in reference to learning alongside students in the class.
We know that this class serves as first steps of the PL transformation that is happening at Rancho Minerva.  Teachers collaborate daily on the course and transition and make real-time adjustments of the course.  This course is our working laboratory as we seek to continue along the path towards a true personalized learning environment at Rancho Minerva. 
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Even teachers who are not teaching the course are beginning to explore implementing Personalized Learning components into their curriculum, based on what they have been hearing from both teachers and students about the Digital Discovery experience.  Check back for updates as we walk down this personalized learning path together this year.

Students recently finished their first unit on digital photography. In order to show demonstrate compentency, students worked through a playlist reading non-fictional text, exploring various articles, websites and resources. Students completed the unit by building a presentation on a platform of their choosing. The results were simply amazing. Each student selected a photo to enter into the RMMS Photo Gallery (set up in our flexible learning cafe), then all students voted for the top photos that will later be put on display at a local arts festival.

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We are learning a lot through this class, however the early results have been very encouraging. Giving students choice, relevance, audience and a teacher who is in their corner as a mentor has been quite fascinating to observe.



Sunday, September 6, 2015

Building Community: One Family at a Time

Rancho Minerva Middle School faculty and staff kicked off the 2015-2016 school year in a very unique way.  On the first day back to school, RMMS ditched their welcome back meeting and PD for a community building activity that made a huge impact. Teams of teachers spread out through the community to visit students’ homes and send them the message, “We are excited to have you back at Rancho Minerva.”  The home visits were the latest effort in building the #RMMSFAM community.  Teams of 4-5 teachers, spent an hour visiting and building relationships with 10 families throughout Vista.  Teachers were given a brief orientation prior to heading out, which included a message from Jacinto Noriega, Professional Learning Manager from Digital Promise. "Some of the nerves you may be feeling prior to heading into the homes of our students, are the same nerves our parents feel stepping on our campus", remarked assistant principal Anna Lozano prior to hitting the streets.
RMMS Teachers welcome new student to the #RMMSFAM at her home

The home visits continued as each team invited the (10) families to a community lunch in the park.  We strategically picked the small park in the center of the community where a majority of our students live.  We wanted to be on their turf, to show them we care and to give many of our teachers a better sense of the community in which their students live.  The event culminated with each family getting a goodie bag, and an invite to the first principal’s coffee.

The impact of this event went far beyond the day.  Teacher reflections following the visits revealed many had an eye opening experience, truly seeing how students live after the bell rings.  “This was the best day of my teaching career” stated a teacher following the event.  Another teacher reflected,  “Today reinforced that relationships are the foundation of all that we do.” The lasting impact on our RMMS team continues as we strive to create a learning environment that meets the needs of the diverse backgrounds, living situations, and needs of our students and their families..

The impact in the #RMMSFAM parent community continued as parents were invited to the first principal coffee.  For many of the families who attended, this was their first school event, sitting down with the principal, administration, parent community liaison and teachers to discuss the direction of the school.  One parent remarked, “This school is different, I have never felt this way about a school, You are beautiful people the way you reach out to us”.  
We decided to do this event to help build community.  Through leveraging the willingness of our amazing staff, support from Digital Promise and our willingness to take risks, we are making our mark within the community of Vista.